Monday, June 06, 2011

Its been a while!!

So I took a few days off from the blog but I haven't stopped running.  I've had some good runs and some not so good runs since I was on last.  On Saturday May 28th I ended up hitting 30 miles for my run in just over 4 hours.  For the most part the run felt really good.  The last 5 miles was rather painful though.  I ended up with 75 miles for the week which is one of the highest mileage weeks I've ever done.  I decided to take a down week instead of another up week so that I could be rested for the Poyntz Ave Mile.  Last week I ran 5 days and got 36 or 37 miles if I remember right.  I didn't run long after my 30 and I didn't have a long run at the end of the week which is what hurt my mileage.  I have felt absolutely horrible over the last 4 or 5 days and I'm not exactly sure why.  It could be the heat or it could be all the mileage catching up with me.  I have the race on Wednesday which hopefully goes well but I'm hoping I can get a good week of training in.  Today didn't give me much hope though as I ran 8 miles and struggled to run 8 min/mile pace.  In the past several weeks I've felt like I could roll along at 7 min pace for a run like today.  We'll keep our fingers crossed and hope all continues on well.

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