Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Good week...stupid summer!

7 miles - 50:00
Nothing interesting about this run except that I got to test out the new Nike GPS watch. It's a pretty sleek watch and works really well. We will be getting them in May 12th and they are very reasonably priced at $199.

26.3 miles - 3:33:30
Another long run in the books to finish off my highest week of mileage(65 miles) since college. Felt pretty good throughout with the exception of it getting a little warm. I carried a backpack again with 50oz of water in it. Also tried to eat more bit between GU and clif bars only took in about 500 calories. Still need to do a better job with eating more.

Sunday and Monday
With it being Mother's Day and a down week I took both days off.

8 miles - 59:00
Felt a little blah. Got up and ran at 5:45 which I like because I'm able to get it out of the way for the day. It's also good to run in the morning because its cooler out then. You really have to be patient with the heat. You aren't going to feel as good when its hot out but you still need to get the time in and not worry about it.
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